


Air and liquids that are present inside the PET bottles pose an obstacle during the baling process. In order to remove this obstacle and boost baling efficiency, our PET perforator machine perforates and scratches the PET plastics so the air and liquids flow out, thus increasing the yield during baling.



The flap mechanism generates additional pressing force during the baling process and thus directly boosts baling efficiency. Baler knives are exposed to less force, which enhances their durability. Moreover, it cuts the baling time and increases bale weight by approximately 11 per cent.


Touch Screen
PLC Automation

Siemens products, supported with Profinet communication, are used in the automation system infrastructure. A 12” Siemens industrial touch screen provides a user-friendly interface with visual elements that makes handling easier for the operator. Thanks to the pressure regulation function offered by the screen, the pressure of the “jaw” and “ram” can be monitored. Furthermore, maintenance and servicing time can be reduced by using error diagnostics and maintenance tabs. Pizzato / Siemens safety products are used within the system to detect potential risks and take necessary precautions.


Wire Feeder/ Twister
Cutter Mechanisms

Standard and reliable bale wiring is achieved with the help of these systems that play a key role in rigid forming of bales. The uniform amount of wiring for each bale guarantees equal intervals, even load-bearing, and less wire consumption.